WP 3
l-għodda għall-interventi u djalgu komunikattiv ikun magħmul biex itejjeb djalogu aħjar bejn l-impjegati tal-ħabs u l-priġuniri. Dan ikun mibni fuq il-ħtiġiet identifikati sa issa bir-riċerka. Dawn jinkludu għodda, logħob, stejjer, modi kif wieħed jidjaloga (David Bohm) biex jipreparaw il-priġunieri għall-ħelsien, jikkalmaw sitwazjoni ta’ stress u jwaqfu xi konflit jew sitwazjoni ta’ riskju.
Il-mexxej (p1) u l-viċi mexxej (P5) ta’ dan il-pakket ta’ xogħol ser jiżviluppaw qafas ġenerali għall-għodda, qafas li jkun estiż u mtejjeb mill-imsieħba kollha f’Mejju 2012 waqt laqgħa ta’ l-imsieħba f’Malta. La l-imsieħba ġejjin minn pajjiżi differenti il-ħtiġijiet fil-ħabsijiet jistgħu jkunu differenti il-pakket ta’ l-għodda ser ikun flessibli b’xi bidliet mill-imsieħba. Barra minn dan Il-mexxej (p1) u l-viċi mexxej (P5) ser jiżviluppaw metodoloġija li teżamina.
Il-qafas u l-ewwel verżjoni tal-pakket ta’ l-għodda se jkunu ppruvati f’laqgħa li ser issir f’Ċipru f’ottubru 2012. Barra minn l-imsieħba tal-proġet, f’din il-laqgħa jkunu mistiedna mill-inqas żewġ impjegati tal-ħabs minn kull pajjiż li jkunu ħadu sehem fl-ewwel parti tal-proġet.
Dawn ser jieħdu parti f’seminar ta’ taħriġ fuq djalogu kommunikativ li ser jitmexxa minn zewġ esperti fil-qasam tad-djalogu. Dan is-seminar huwa importanti għax ser itejjeb il-ħilit f’djalogu kommunikativ u jagħllem kif wieħed jagħddi il-ħiliet permess ta’ korsijiet ta’ taħriġ li jinżammu f’kull ħabs mal-priġuniri. Il-ħiliet li l-eks priġuniri jakwistaw huma siewja ħafna biex jikkuminikaw mal-persuni importanti bħal ma huma l-familja, kollegi, ħaddiema fil-qasam soċjali.
Dawk li jieħdu sehem fil-laqgħa u fit-taħriġ ikunu mħarġa fl-użu tal-għodda ta’ intervent u djalogu kommunikativ u mħeġġa jipromovu dan fil-postijiet fejn jaħdmu.
Wara li jkunu eżaminati fil-laqgħa ta’ taħriġ issir laħħar verzjoni tal-pakket ta’ l-għodda għal intervent u djalogu kommunikativ li li jingħata lil-impjegati tal-ħabs.
Dan il-pakket ser ikun maqlub fl-ilsna ta’ l-imsieħba u jitqiegħed fuq il- website tal-CLAP flimkien mal-verżjoni Ingliża. Dan jiġi wkol stampat fuq il-karta fl-ilsna kollha. Mal-kopja stampata jingħata wkol CD bil-verżjonijniet ta’ l-ilsna kollha.
Among the many accessories on display at Fashion Week, none is more ubiquitous than the mini, red bottom boots free bottles of Evian spring water available at every show in the main lobby and backstage.
A crew of smiling louboutin replica young beauties in pink dresses ensure that no one goes thirsty at the tents. Asked how many bottles she gives out during a typical show, one Evian assistant said, don know. Three replica christian louboutin million?
While an Evian representative couldn say just how many thousands of bottles are distributed over the seven days of Fashion Week, its obvious how many of those are recycled: virtually none.
Even as the mayor and city council ban plastic water bottles from official function, the tents at Bryant Park are sending thousands of them en mass to the landfill, without ever providing the opportunity for green minded fashionistas to recycle them.
should have recycling bins next to all red bottoms the trash cans, christian louboutin replica said Pavleta Alexieva, 25, who works sales for Christian Louboutin and was sipping Evian in line for the Phillip Lim show Wednesday. I drink at least two or three bottles every day that I at the tents.
Some designers like Rodarte red bottom pumps and Alexander Wang have partnered with Aveda to replace bottled water backstage with reusable metal bottles, and there was no plastic at either of their off site shows this week. Phillip Lim also had Aveda doing hairstyling at his backstage, but since it was held at the tents, Evian bottles were red bottom shoes everywhere.
is the only show we worked at where we couldn ban plastic bottles backstage, said Ellen Maguire, a VP at Aveda. Thats because Evian is one of the sponsors of Fashion Week.
It is estimated that 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to make the plastic water bottles Americans drink from every year.
Maguire pointed out replica louboutin that the plastic bottles at the tents not only red bottom heels require barrels of oil to manufacture, but also to ship from France, where Evian is bottled.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who co sponsored the recent City Council ban, says he only drinks New York City tap water.
A member of the backstage cleaning crew at the tents said the bottles weigh down trash bags because many people just take one or two sips before tossing them. He said he ends up pouring the almost full bottles down the sink in the backstage port a potties.
A spokesman for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week pointed out that many elements in the tents, including carpets and walls, are recycled. Unfortunately this isn possible with all of the waste produced on site, but we do the best we can, he said.Articles Connexes: