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  1. Il-mexxej (p2) u l-viċi mexxej (P6) ta’ dan il-pakket ta’ xogħol ser jiżviluppaw qafas ġenerali  għall-gwida għad-dħul fis-soċjeta.  Dal-qafas jitpoġġa fuq il-CLAP website biex l-i mpjegati tal-ħabs ikollhom aċċess għaliħ.
  2. L-impjegati tal-ħabs “iniżżlu” l-qafas mill-website u waqt li jużaw l-għodda li fih jaħdmu mal-priġuniri  biex jintela l-qafas bl-informazjoni meħtieġa għad-dħul fis-soċjeta.
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  1. Il-mexxej (p2) u l-viċi mexxej (P6) ta’ dan il-pakket ta’ xogħol jagħmlu analiżi tar-riżultati u joħolqu rapport fuq il-ħtieġit komuni għal tagħrif, strumenti u mod kif jaħdmu għad dħul fis-soċjeta.
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Il-koordinatur tal-proġet (P1)_jieħu ħsieb l-istampar tal-verżjonijiet kollha.  Jieħu ħsieb ukol itellgħa kollox fuq il-website tal-CLAP

Romantic Fairy Tales of Red

There is a [red dance shoe” in Andersen’s Fairy Tales: A little girl gets a pair of beautiful louboutin replica red dance shoes, for she can not resist the temptation, and she dances with replica louboutin it. Some Details to Conserve Your louboutin shoes uk Although she had the most graceful dancing posture and obtained the highest appreciation, she had to go on and couldn’t stop which was red bottom heels her cost. Draw up an Inventory of the New Touching louboutin shoes uk of Whitney Port She dances in the rain and in the sun, through fields and woods, from day to the night and the shoes grow red bottom boots to red bottom shoes the feet, replica christian louboutin she could not control the dance and it becomes endless, until exhausted she has to ask the executioner to chop off her feet. Shop Hottest Collections of louboutin shoes This is the only one fairy tale different from others because it conveys a brutal beauty after giving up everything.

There is no such shoes in this real world, but still there are things that make people cannot refrain from continuing, loving with pain. Maybe everyone has such a thing of different style, which is their invisible red dancing shoes. The Christian Louboutin is one of them, and people love them often for they love the gesture of wearing them. To wear christian louboutin replica it is very easy to be attracted and doesn’t want to stop, so it is certainly hurt for long time wearing, which is based on everyone’s enduring red bottom pumps and red bottoms cann’t feel it out if it is a habit.

Once they stop wearing then for a rest, they probably would reflect on that pain when they wear them again. Now courage is needed. But some people would never wear them again for the sake of conformability. But to dauntless women, even the charm Christian Louboutin brings [bruises and scars”, they love for it never abates for a bit despite pain. In [sex and city”, Carrie loves shoes, so she knows Manolo Blahnik, just knows. Later knew another Italian brand Christian Louboutin, whose unique mark is distinctive red soles. Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo and Christian Louboutin are said to be the top three brands. I am not sensitive with the shoes even some dull, I am deeply impressed when I first read the introduction.

Even though Christian Louboutin is very expensive, the price doesn’t stop women from loving it. The most charming point of good shoes lies in the moment when people first wear them. Someone had asked Christian Louboutin personally, why choose red colour for red soled at that time? Christian Louboutin, the passionate Italian answered that, [red color represents desire and passion. Being conspicuous and sizzling, man will be attracted at the first sight of it.” Summarizing the biggest characteristic of red soled penetratingly and perfectly. To such red temptation, even men who habour a resrevation with high heeled shoes will impress deeply in that brush of red.

Once I saw Christian Louboutin ad for last year spring and summer, though I have little knowledge of art, can not say to understand its creativity after seeing the object painting. Besides, I also think its construction special, because looming red soles in such kind of color look mysterious and noble against such a dark background.Articles Connexes: