The Dialogical Communication and Interventiom Toolkit and My ComPASS Reintegration Guide
/The Dialogical Communication and Intervention Toolkit is a collection of instruments developed for and with the educators and social workers from penitentiaries, to facilitate and improved dialogue with inmates, based on the needs identified by the workers themselves. Will comprise tools, games, stories, dialogical methods (David Bohm) to be used with inmates in preparing the release de-tense stressful situation, stop conflict and other risk situations. Will be available in printed and electronic format, in English, Romanian, Polish, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian and Maltese language.
My ComPASS Reintegration Guide will be developed by the penitentiary workers using the Toolkit, together with the inmates, with assistance from the consortium members. The Guide will be available in printed and electronic format, in English, Romanian, Polish, Finnish Greek, Hungarian and Maltese language