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L-objettivi prinċipali tal-pakket tat-tixrid tal-proġet huma:
Li jkun żviluppat pjan għat-tixrid tal-proġett ( id-dehra tal-proġett, l-istil tal-ktieb, regoli ta’ kommunikazjoni etc.). Il-pjan għall-kommunikazjoni, promozjoni u tixrid tal-proġet imfassal fl-ewwel xhur ikun jinkludi l-attivitajiet li jridu jsiru, l-objettivi, in-nies li huma l-mira ta’ dax-xogħol u l-iskeda meta għandu jsir ix-xogħol.
Biex isegwi l-progress fl-implimentazjoni tal-pjan ta’ tixrid
Biex jorganiżża l-konferenza finali tal-CLAP fil-Polonja.
Il-ħsieb ta’ l-attivita ta’ tixrid hu li jkunu kummunikati ir-riżultati lill-dawk li jaħdmu fil-qasam ta’ edukazjoni u riabilitazjoni tal-priġuniri.
Il-website tal-proġet tavża l-attivitajiet u r-riżultati.
Kull imsieħeb fil-proġet għandu jinforma l-awtoritajiet ta’ pajjiżu (e.g. ministri u għaqdiet) dwar ir-riżultati tal-proġet
Kull imsieħeb fil-proġet ixandar ir-riżultati tal-proġet fil-gażżetti ta’ pajjiżu. Il-koordinatur tal-proġet ixandar ir-rizultati tal-proġet numru ta’ publikazjonijiet internazjonali.
Il-proġet u r-riżultati jkunu preżentati f’seminars firi, konferenzi, etc.,fil-pajjiżi ta’ l-imsieħba u l-membri tal-EPEA.
Wieħed mill-aktar elementi importanti fit-tixrid tal-proget tkun il-website tal-proġet li għandu issir kmieni fil-ħajja tal-proget.
L-attivitajiet tat-tixrid tal-proġet jinkludu l-iżvilup ta’ lista ta’ kuntatti ma nies li nafu (f’dal-qasam) lokali, nazjonali, Ewrpew u sttorali.
F’Settembru 2013 ikun hemm il-konferenza tal-CLAP fil-Polonja. Dfin hi l-akbar okkażjoni għat-tixrid tal-proġet. Il-konferenza tippromovi u tivvaloriżża ir-riżultati tal-proġet u tofri qafas għal aktar dibattiti u riflesjonijiet fuq it-tema ta’ ri-integrazjoni.
It’s a specification that is an absolute necessity to a fashion forward outfit, explains Cat Mercurio, owner of the boutique Shop Pray Love, 161 Main St. in Manasquan.
“First red bottom shoes of all, you want to have comfort,” says Mercurio. “You want to have a better quality shoe. You can always get (a shirt at a second hand store), but you always want a good quality pair replica louboutin of shoes. That’s a good way to mix things as well. If you get a vintage bag, and a red bottom heels newer pair of boots, (that’s good).”
With autumn approaching and flip flops getting tossed to the back of the closet, it’s time for a fresh red bottom pumps start in shoe fashion.
And, boy, is it a beautiful beginning.
Earlier this month, exciting trends were seen during christian louboutin replica Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York City. Runway models strutted in ankle booties, sky high boots reaching the thighs, oxfords, pointed toe shoes, T straps and more. Bordeaux and navy are must have colors, reports show.
“Definitely it’s about cutout booties and . shoe booties,” Mercurio says. “There are definitely a lot of shoes that are transition shoes that work from one season to another. There is less wedge, and more of a block heel and a lot of cutouts.”
Step off the sand and out of your sandals into the hottest shoes for fall.
According to Nordstrom’s “Fall Boot Guide,” moto and combat boots, demonstrating a rebel chic style, are back in fashion. These can be paired with a feminine dress for the “perfect downtown/uptown look,” Nordstorm states online.
Thigh high boots can be paired with replica christian louboutin a “sky high mini and a boxy sweatshirt,” Nordstorm adds.
CoCo Pari, which has locations at 17 Broad St. in Red Bank and 270 Norwood Ave. in Deal, sells designer lines such as Jimmy Choo, Christian Louboutin, Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Brian Atwood, Giuseppe Zanotti, Valentino, Charlotte Olympia, Nicholas Kirkwood, Gianvito Rossi, Chloe and Stella McCartney.
“There are so many different trends,” says Lauren Talerico, an associate at CoCo Pari’s boutique in Deal. “There is the Southwestern trend . the boots are very red bottom boots functional this season. Not all the heels are sky high they’re great for everyday. It’s so hard to generalize it; it’s so hard to put it into one word. There’s so many different trends.”
For boots, Talerico suggests the Jimmy Choo’s biker style, and Giuseppe Zanotti black leather booties, both available in CoCo Pari. Saint Laurent also has a pair of stylish boots out for fall in black leather with embellished studs and rhinestones that CoCo Pari carries.
As previously reported by Kim DePaola, familiar face on Bravo’s “Real Housewives of New Jersey” and owner of Posche boutique in Wayne, ankle boots, often interchangeably referred to as booties, are a high point in fall fashion.
Ankle booties, in endless colors and styles, are a simple way to dress up an outfit.
Talerico says booties take on a more Southwestern inspired approach this red bottoms fall. Saint Laurent cowboy booties, in black suede and camel suede, are fashionable choices also available at CoCo Pari.
“Booties are hotter than louboutin replica boots in the store,” Talerico says. “It’s a lot of Southwestern, everything for fall.”
Shop Pray Love is a unique boutique selling designer clothing, jewelry and footwear. The list of shoe designer lines here includes Charles David, Penny Loves Kenny, Franco Sarto, Rachael Zoe, FLOGG, CoCobelle, Matisse, Vince Camuto, Lisa for Donald Pliner, Joe’s Jeans, Jessica Simpson and Charleston Shoe Co.Articles Connexes: